
If you're struggling to pay your council tax bill, call the Council Tax team straight away, on 020 8921 4147. 

How we can help

When you call us, we’ll ask you about your income and we’ll check if you’re eligible for Council Tax Support or a discount. 

Based on what you tell us, we may be able to: 

  • spread your payments over 12 months instead of 10
  • refer you to the welfare benefits team
  • agree a payment arrangement to help you pay the current year’s bill by the end of the financial year
  • reduce your payments for a short time in exceptional circumstances
  • agree a longer payment arrangement if you have council tax debt from the last financial year.

If you do not pay your council tax, you could face extra costs and court action.

What happens if you do not pay your council tax

If you miss a payment, we will start the council tax recovery process. This process has 3 stages: 

  1. Reminder 
  2. Court summons 
  3. Liability order 

Reminder notice

We'll send you a reminder notice the first time you miss a payment. You'll have 7 days to make the payment or call us to agree a payment arrangement. 

If you do nothing, you will not get a second reminder notice. 

If you miss another payment 

If you paid or agreed a payment arrangement within 7 days of the first reminder, you will get one more reminder if you miss another payment. If you continue to miss payments, you will get a final notice. 

Final notice 

If you get a final notice, you will lose your right to pay by instalments and payment for the full year will be due within 7 days. You can also call us to agree a payment arrangement. 

If you do nothing, you will get a court summons. 

Court summons 

If you get a court summons, you will be liable to pay for the full year, plus £92.50 costs. You can also call us to agree a payment arrangement.  

If you do nothing, we will apply to the court for a liability order. If you do not attend court, the hearing will still go ahead. 

Liability order 

If the court makes a liability order, you must pay the amount you owe, including costs within 14 days. You can also call us to agree a payment arrangement. 

 If you do nothing, we can:  

  • take money from your wages, known as an attachment of earnings order
  • take money from your benefits, known as an attachment of benefits order
  • ask an enforcement agency to collect your debt
  • start bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings against you in court
  • apply for a charging order against your property. This means a court can force you to sell your house to pay the debt.

You could get a fine of up to £1,000 if you do not give us information about your work or benefits when asked to do so.

Debt advice

You should always contact the Council Tax team straight away, for help with paying your council tax. If you need advice about how to manage money and debt, you can get independent advice from: 

  • Greenwich Money Advice Service: 020 8309 8646 
  • National Debtline: 0808 808 4000 
  • Step Change Debt Charity: 0800 138 1111